Prof. Dr. Peter Wirtz 
Publication list

 1973:  The influence of social stress on the growth of Blennius
       pholis. M.Sc. thesis, University of Wales

1974:  The influence of the sight of a conspecific on the growth
       of Blennius pholis. J.comp.Physiol. 91, 161-165

1975:  Einige physiologische Folgeerscheinungen des Anblicks eines
       Artgenossen bei Blennius pholis. Diplomarbeit, Universität

       Physiological effects of visual contact to a conspecific in
       Blennius pholis. J.comp.Physiol. 101, 237-241

       P. Wirtz/ R. Hoare/ K. Hiscock: Notes on the biology of the
       leopard-spotted goby in Wales. Nature in Wales 14, 151-154

1976:  P. Wirtz/ J. Davenport: Increased oxygen consumption in
       blennies (Blennius pholis) exposed to their mirror images.
       J.Fish Biol. 9, 67-74
       A key to the European Blennioidea. Vie Milieu A 26, 145-156

       The otoliths of the mediterranean ,i>Tripterygion. Vie Milieu
       A 26, 293-298

1977:  P. Wirtz/ H. Kacher: Clinitrachus argentatus (Clinidae) -
       Laufen auf den Bauchflossen. Film E 2425, IWF Göttingen;
       Publ.Wiss.Film, Sekt.Biol.Ser.1O, Nr.43, 1-6

       Zum Verhalten blennioider Fische, insbesondere der
       mediterranen Tripterygion Arten. Dissertation, Universität

1978:  The behaviour of the Mediterranean Tripterygion species
       (Pisces Blennioidei). Z.Tierpsychol. 48, 142-174

       Physiological effects of a simulated high density in
       Blennius pholis. In: Hureau,J.C./ Banister,K.E.: Actes du   
       2e congres europeen des Ichthyologistes Paris 1976.
       Rev.Trav.Inst.Peches marit. 40, 792
       Results of three game counts at Lake Nakuru National Park.
       Bull.EANHS 1978, 108-109
1979:  A checklist of the larger mammals of Lake Nakuru National
       Park. Bull.EANHS 1979, 64-65

       P. Wirtz/ D. Schaller/ H. Kacher: Ctenopoma multispinnis
       (Anabantidae) - Fortbewegung an Land. Film E 2519, IWF
       Göttingen; Pub.Wiss.Film, Sekt.Biol. Ser.12, Nr.26,1-9

1980:  A revision of the Eastern Atlantic Tripterygiidae (Pisces,
       Blennioidei) and notes on some Westafrican blennioid fish.
       Cybium 1980/11, 83-101

1981:  Territorial defence and territory take-over by satellite
       males in the waterbuck, Kobus ellipsiprymnus (Bovidae).
       Behav.Ecol.Sociobiol. 8, 161-162

       Clinidae. In Fischer, W. (editor): FAO species
       identification sheets: Eastern Central Atlantic. FAO, Rome
       1981, 2 pages

       H.Bath/ P.Wirtz: Rediscovery of Hypleurochilus aequipinnis
       (Pisces Blenniidae) in Westafrica. Senck.biol. 61, 349-355

1982:  Territory holders, satellite males, and bachelor males in a
       high density population of waterbuck (Kobus ellipsiprymnus)
       and their associations with conspecifics. Z.Tierpsychol.
       58, 277-300

       Range extension for Hypleurochilus aequipinnis in the
       Eastern tropical Atlantic. Cybium 6/3, 74

       P. Wirtz/ H. Bath: Lipophrys bauchotae n.sp. from the
       Eastern tropical Atlantic (Pisces Blenniidae). Senck.biol.
       62, 225-232

1983:  P. Wirtz/ J. Lorscher: Group sizes of antelopes in an East
       African National Park. Behaviour 84, 135-156

       The biomass of the larger mammals in Lake Nakuru National
       Park. Bull.EANHS 1983, 5-7
       Multiple copulations in the waterbuck (Kobus ellipsiprymnus).
       Z.Tierpsychol. 61, 78-82

       The reproductive behaviour of three blennioid fish endemic
       to the Galapagos islands. Noticias de Galapagos 37, 26-27

       P. Wirtz/ H. Kacher: Pelecanus onocrotalus (Pelecanidae) -
       Kooperativer Fischfang. Film E 2783, IWF Göttingen;
       Publ.Wiss.Film, Sekt.Biol.Ser.16, Nr.10, 1-6

       P. Wirtz/ R. Diesel: The social structure of Inachus phalangium,
       a spider crab associated with the sea anemone Anemonia sulcata.
       Z.Tierpsychol. 62, 209-234

       Review of : Kingdon, J. (1982) "Ostafrikanische
       Säugetiere". Z.Tierpsychol. 62, 356

       Review of : Spinage, C. A. (1982) "A territorial
       antelope: The Uganda waterbuck". Z.Tierpsychol. 63, 348-349

1984:  J. Bartos/ P. Wirtz: Marking fish eggs and fry by feeding
       dyes to the female parent. Z.Tierpsychol. 65, 103-107

       P. Wirtz/ B. Fobel: Interspecific associations of larger
       mammals in Lake Nakuru National Park. Bull EANHS 1984,
       A high density waterbuck population. In: MacDonald, D.W.
       (editor):  Mammal Encyclopedia Vol 2 p 561, London

       A. Goldschmid/ K. Kotrschal/ P. Wirtz: Food and gut length
       of 14 adriatic blenniid fish. Zool.Anz. 213, 145-150

1985:  L.v. Helden/ P. Wirtz: A comparison of Blennius ocellaris
       L., B.riodourensis Metzelaar 1919, and B.normani Poll 1949.
       Spixiana 8, 197-217

       P. Wirtz/ R. Diesel: Review of : Ridley, M. (1983) "The
       explanation of organic diversity. The comparative method
       and adaptation for mating". Z.Tierpsychol. 67, 329-330

1986:  P. Wirtz/ M. Wawra: Vigilance and group size in Homo sapiens.
Ethology 71, 283-286

       Co-operative prey capture in the great white pelican
       (Pelecanus onocrotalus) at Lake Nakuru, Kenya.
       Zool.Jb.Syst. 113, 37-43

       U. Kutschera/ P. Wirtz: A leech that feeds its young. Anim. 
       Behav. 34, 941-942

       U. Kutschera/ P. Wirtz: Reproductive behaviour and parental
       care of Helobdella striata (Hirudinea: Glossiphoniidae).
       Ethology 72, 132-142

       U. Kutschera/ P. Wirtz: Jungenfütterung beim Egel
       Helobdella stagnalis. Mikrokosmos 75, 340-343.

       P. Wirtz/ C.D. Zander : Clinidae .In: Whitehead,P.J.P. et
       al. (editors) Fishes of the Northeastern Atlantic and
       Mediterranean. Vol.3, p 1117, UNESCO, Paris.

1987:  P. Wirtz/ U. Kutschera: Review of : Sawyer,R.T. (1986)
       "Leech biology and behaviour". Ethology 75, 172-173

       P. Wirtz/ J. Hellinger : Zur Zoogeographie der
       atlantomediterranen Blennioidea, mit besonderer
       Berücksichtigung der Kapverden. Cour.Forsch.Inst.Senck. 
       95, 99-102

       P. Wirtz/ G. Oldekop : Zeitbudgets von Wasserböcken (Kobus ellipsiprymnus: Bovidae)
       in einer Hochdichte Population in Kenia.
       In: Aktuelle Arbeiten zur artgemäßen Tierhaltung
       1986. Kuratorium für Technik und Bauwesen in der
       Landwirtschaft (KTLB) Schrift Nr. 319, Seiten 135-137
       M. Taborsky/ B. Hudde/ P. Wirtz : Reproductive behaviour
       and ecology of Symphodus ocellatus, a European wrasse 
       with four types of males.   Behaviour 102, 82-118

       Wilkinson, G. S./ Clutton-Brock, T. H./ Grafen, A./ Harvey,
       P. H./ Howard, R. D./ Linsenmair, K. D./ Poethke, H. J./
       Reyer, H. U./ Sutherland, W. J./ van Nordwijk, A. J./ Wade,
       M. J./ Wirtz, P. : The empirical study of sexual selection.
       In: Bradbury, J. W. and Andersson, M. B. (eds.) Sexual
       selection : Testing the alternatives. Dahlem Konferenzen.
       pp 234-245. John Wiley & Sons, Chichester.

1988:  P. Wirtz/ P. Kaiser : Sex differences and seasonal
       variation in habitat choice in a high density population of
       waterbuck. Z. Saugetierkunde 53, 162-169

       P. Wirtz/ M. Szabados/ H.Pethig/ J.Plant : An extreme case
       of interspecific territoriality : male Anthidium manicatum
       (Hymenoptera, Megachilidae) wound and kill intruders.
       Ethology 78, 159-167

       P. Wirtz/ B. Müller/ P. Nahke : The Caribbean shrimp
       Tuleariocaris neglecta Chace 1969 found in association with
       Diadema antillarum at Madeira, and two new records of
       decapod crustaceans from the Cape Verde islands. Cour.
       Forsch. Inst. Senckenb. 105, 169-171

1989:  P. Wirtz/ H. Bath : Lipophrys caboverdensis n.sp. from 
       the Cape Verde Islands (Pisces : Blenniidae). Senck.biol. 
       69, 15-27

       Ansätze der Soziobiologie zum Verständnis der Evolution -
       am Beispiel von Sexueller Selektion und Elterlicher
       Investition. Freiburger Universitätsblatter 103, 87-103

       T. Trnski/ J.M. Leis/ P. Wirtz : Pholidichthyidae - Convict
       Blennies, Engineerfish. In: Leis,J.M./ Trnski,T. (editors)
       "The Larvae of Indo-Pacific Shorefishes", pp 259-262. New
       South Wales University Press, Kensington, Australia.

       H. Bath/ P. Wirtz: Spaniblennius clandestinus n.g., n.sp.
       der Tribus Blenniini von W-Afrika und ihre Beziehung zur
       Gattung Blennius L 1758 (Pisces Blenniidae). Senck. biol.
       69, 277-292

       Review of: Westrich, P. (1989) "Die Wildbienen Baden-
       Württembergs". Ethology 83, 80

1990:  Review of: Westrich, P. (1989) "Die Wildbienen Baden-
       Württembergs". BIUZ 1990/1, 62
       Tripterygiidae. In: Quéro, J. et al. (editors) Checklist of
       the Fishes of the Eastern Tropical Atlantic. UNESCO, Paris,
       Vol. II, 916 - 917

       Clinidae. In: Quéro,J. et al. (editors) Checklist of the
       Fishes of the Eastern Tropical Atlantic. UNESCO, Paris,
       Vol. II, 918-919

       P. Wirtz : Interspezifisches Territorialverhalten der
       Wollbiene (Anthidium manicatum). Tonfilm, 9 min. Kamera:
       R. Radke. Zentraleinrichtung fur Audiovisuelle Medien
       (ZEAM), Berlin.

       R. Waschkewitz/ P. Wirtz: Annual migration and return to
       the same site by an individual grouper, Epinephelus alexandrinus (Pisces, Serranidae).
       J. Fish Biol. 36, 781-782

1991:  P. Wirtz/ G. Oldekop : Time budgets of waterbuck of
       different age, sex, and social status. Z. Säugetierk. 56,

       Wollbienen auf Patrouille. Forschung (Mitteilungen der DFG)
       1991/1, 12-14

       P. Nahke/ P. Wirtz: Underwater Guide Maldives Fishes.
       Unterwasserführer Malediven : Fische. 
       S. Naglschmid Verlag, Stuttgart, 168 pp (English/

       Ansätze der Soziobiologie zum Verständnis der Evolution.
       BIUZ 1991/4, 189-195

       P. Wirtz/ J. Schulte: Das Experiment: Sammelverhalten von
       Bienen. BIUZ 1991/5, 263-265

       Gelber Zackenbarsch. Naturw. Rundschau 1991/10, Titelbild.

       Ursachen und Konsequenzen zwischenartlichen Territorial-
       verhaltens von Männchen der Wollbiene (Anthidium manicatum
       L., Hymenoptera). Verh. Westd. Entom. Tag. 1990, 55-60.

1992:  P. Wirtz/ R. Diesel: Inachus phalangium. In: Emscher-
       mann, P./ Hoffrichter, O./ Körner, H./ Zissler, D. (eds):
       Meeresbiologische Exkursion. pp 137-140. G. Fischer 
       Verlag, Stuttgart.

       H. Bath/ P. Wirtz : On a collection of blenniid fishes from 
       Mauretania, with a redescription of Spaniblennius riodourensis (Metzelaar 1919).
       Zool. Med. Leiden 66, 265-276 

       Territorialverhalten der Wollbiene. Spektrum der
       Wissenschaften 1992/8, 70-76

       P. Wirtz/ S. Kopka/ G. Schmoll: Phenology and sex ratio of
       two territorial solitary bees, Anthidium manicatum and A. florentinum (Hymenoptera Megachilidae).
       J. Zool. 228, 641-651

       Wool carder bees on patrol defending their territory.   
       German Research - reports of the DFG 3/92, 22-24

       P. Nahke/ P. Wirtz: Underwater Guide Maldives Fishes.
       Unterwasserführer Malediven : Fische. 2nd, revised edition.
       S. Naglschmid Verlag, Stuttgart, 168 pp (English/

       P. Wirtz/ G. Ries: The pace of life - reanalized: why does
       walking speed of pedestrians correlate with city size ?
       Behaviour 123, 77-83

1993:  Does the larva of Pholidichthys leucotaenia give a clue to
       the systematic position of the monotypic fish family
       Pholidichthyidae ? In: Schröder, J.H., Bauer,J., Schartl,
       M. "Trends in Ichthyology", Blackwell Sci. Publ., pp 237-

       P. Wirtz/ P. Nahke: Underwater Guide Caribbean Fishes.
       Unterwasserführer Karibik : Fische. (English/ German) 
       176 pages.  S. Naglschmid Verlag, Stuttgart.

       P. Wirtz/ H. Martins: New and little known marine
       invertebrates from the Azores - with a discussion of the
       zoogeography of the area. Archipelago 11 A, 55-63 

1994:  Underwater Guide Madeira - Canary Islands - Azores Fishes.
       Unterwasserführer Madeira - Kanaren - Azoren Fische. 
       163 pages, English/German. S. Naglschmid Verlag, Stuttgart.

       Three shrimps, five nudibranchs, and two tunicates new
       for the fauna of Madeira. Bol. Mus. Mun. Funchal 46 (257),

1995:  M. Biscoito/ P. Wirtz: Two new records of stingrays 
       (Pisces Dasyatidae) from the archipelago of Madeira 
       (NE Atlantic). Bocagiana 169, 1-4

       Krebs - Seeanemonen Symbiosen bei Madeira. Natur 
       und Museum 125/5, 137-142.

       Underwater Guide Madeira - Canary Islands - Azores:
       Invertebrates. Unterwasserführer Madeira-Kanaren-Azoren:
       Niedere Tiere. 248 pages, English/German.  S. Naglschmid
       Verlag, Stuttgart.
       Review of: P.W. Sherman & J. Alcock (eds) 1993:
       Exploring animal behaviour. Ethology 100, 261-262.

       Review of: R.T. Paine 1994: Marine rocky shores and
       community ecology: an experimentalist's perspective.
       Ethology 101, 264.

1996:  One vascular plant and ten invertebrates new for the 
       marine flora and fauna of Madeira. Arquipélago 13 A, 

       P. Wirtz/ R.Herrera: The lobster Enoplometopus antillensis
       (Decapoda Enoplometopidae) and the goby Gobius xanthocephalus (Pisces Gobiidae)
       - new records for the marine fauna of the Canary islands.
       Arquipélago 13 A, 115-118.

       P. Nahke/ P. Wirtz: Underwater Guide Maldives Fishes.
       Unterwasserführer Malediven : Fische. 3rd, revised edition.
       S. Naglschmid Verlag, Stuttgart, 168 pp (English/German)

1997:  T. Dellinger, J. Davenport, P. Wirtz: Comparisons of social
       structure of columbus crabs living on loggerhead sea
       turtles and inanimate flotsam. J. mar. biol. Ass. UK 77,

       Sperm selection by females. Trends in Ecology and
       Evolution 12/5, 172-173.

       Partner: Seeanemone - Garnele. Naturwiss. Rundschau,
       Titelbild 1997/7.

       Crustacean symbionts of the club-tipped sea anemone
       Telmatactis cricoides at Madeira and the Canary Islands.
       J. Zoology 242, 799-811.

       The sea anemone Telmatactis cricoides in Madeira and 
       the Canary Islands. Arquipélago 14 A (for 1996), 1-5.

       P. Wirtz/ W. Vader: A new caprellid - starfish association:
       Caprella acanthifera s.l. on Ophidiaster ophidianus and
       Hacelia attenuata from the Azores. Arquipélago 14 A (for
       1996), 17-22.

1998:  Fransen, C.H.J.M./ Wirtz, P.: Contribution to the 
       knowledge of decapod crustaceans from Madeira and 
       the Canary Islands. Zool. Med. Leiden 71(91), 215-230.

       Spermienselektion bei Weibchen. Naturw. Rdsch. 51/3, 

       Opisthobranch molluscs from the Azores. Vita Marina 
       45 (1-2), 1-16
       Twelve invertebrate and eight fish species new to the
       marine fauna of Madeira, and a discussion of the
       zoogeography of the area. Helgol. Meeresunt. 52, 197

1999:  Mother species - father species: Unidirectional
       hybridisation in animals with female choice.
       Animal Behaviour 58, 1-12

       Caprellid - holothurian associations at the Azores.
       Arquipelago 16A, 53-55 (for 1998) 
       Wittmann, K./ Wirtz, P. : A first inventory of the mysid
       fauna (Crustacea: Mysidacea) in coastal waters of the
       Madeira and Canary archipelagos. Bol. Mus. Municip.
       Funchal. Sup. no. 5, 511-533.

       Bianchi, C.N., Morri, C., Sartoni, G., Wirtz, P.:
       Sublittoral epibenthic communities around Funchal 
       (Island of Madeira, NE Atlantic): an update of previous
       information and a comparison with the Mediterranean 
       Sea. Bol. Mus. Municip. Funchal. Sup. no. 5, 59-80

       Opisthobranch molluscs from the archipelago of Madeira.   
       Vita Marina 46 (1-2), 1-18

       Unidirectional hybridization in fishes. pp 101-124 in: 
       Almada, V.C., Oliveira, R.F., Gonçalves, E.J. (eds.) 
       "Behaviour and conservation of littoral fishes", Lisboa    

       Fellendorf, M./ Mohra, C./ Roberts, S./ Wirtz, P./ van der
       Zanden, G. : The bees of Madeira (Hymenoptera 
       Apoidea). Bocagiana 197, 1-17.

       Review of: Grove, S.J. & Lavenberg, R.J. 1997. The Fishes 
       of the Galapagos Islands. Ethology 105, 1099.

2000:  P. Wirtz/ P. Nahke: Underwater Guide Caribbean Fish - 
       Unterwasserführer Karibik Fische. S. Naglschmid Verlag, 
       Stuttgart. Second, revised edition.

       P. Nahke/ P. Wirtz: Underwater Guide Maldives Fish - 
       Unterwasserführer Malediven Fische. S. Naglschmid Verlag, 
       Stuttgart. Fourth, revised edition.

       Trnski, T., Leis, J.M., Wirtz, P.: Pholidichthyidae -
       Convict Blennies, Engineerfishes. pp 561- 564 in: J.M. Leis 
       & B.M. Carson-Ewart (eds) The larvae of the Indo-Pacific 
       Reef and Shore Fishes. Brill, Leiden

       Einseitige Hybridisierung im Tierreich. Naturwissenschaftl. 
       Rundschau 53/4, 172-175.

       Hydatina physis (Mollusca Gastropoda Opisthobranchia) 
       at the Azores. Arquipélago, Life and marine Sciences 17A, 
       97-100 (for 1999)

       Bianchi, C. N., Haroun, R., Morri, C., Wirtz, P.: The subtidal 
       epibenthic communities off Puerto del Carmen (Lanzarote, 
       Canary Islands). Arquipélago, Supl. 2, 145-156.

       Afonso, P., Porteiro FM, Santos RS, Barreiros JM, Worms, J, 
       Wirtz, P :Coastal marine fishes of São Tomé Island (Gulf of 
       Guinea). Arquipélago, Life and marine Sciences 17A, 65-92 
       (for 1999)

       Costs and benefits of web access to museum data. Trends in 
       Ecology and Evolution 15/9, 374-375.

       Alonzo, S. H., Taborsky, M., Wirtz, P.: Male alternative
       reproductive behaviours in a Mediterranean wrasse, Symphodus ocellatus:
       Evidence from otoliths for multiple life-history pathways.
       Evolutionary Ecology Research 2, 997-1007  

       Guillemaud, T., Cancela, M.L., Afonso, P., Morato, T., 
       Santos, R.S., Wirtz. P. : Molecular insights into the taxonomic 
       status of Coris atlantica (Pisces: Labridae). J. mar. biol. Ass. 
       UK 80, 929-933.

2001:  P. Wirtz & T. Gomes: Unequal sex ratios in longline fishery. 
       J. mar. biol. Ass. UK 81/1, 187-188

       Madeira: Marine Life/ Madeira: A vida Marinha/ Madeira: Das 
       Leben im Meer/ Madére: La vie dans la mer. F. Ribeiro, 
       Funchal. 197 pp

       Muss, A., Robertson, D.R., Stepien, C.A., Wirtz, P., Bowen, B.: 
       Phylogeography of Ophioblennius: The Role of Ocean Currents 
       and Geography in Reef Fish Evolution. Evolution 55/3, 561-572

       Almada, V.C., Gonçalves, E.J., Oliveira, R.F. Almeida, A.J. 
       Santos, R.S., Wirtz, P.: Patterns of diversity of the north-eastern 
       Atlantic blenniid fish fauna (Pisces Blenniidae). Global Ecology 
       and Biogeography 10, 411-422.

       New records of marine invertebrates from the Cape Verde 
       Islands. Arquipélago Life and Marine Sciences 18A, 81-84.

       J. Fontes, F. Tempera, P. Wirtz: Notes on some interesting 
       opisthobranchs from the Azores (Mollusca Gastropoda 
       Opisthobranchia). Arquipélago Life  and Marine Sciences 
       18A, 85-88

       P. Wirtz & C. d'Udekem d'Acoz: Decapod crustaceans 
       associated with Antipatharia, Gorgonaria and Mollusca at the 
       Cape Verde Islands. Helgol. Marine Research 55, 112-115.

       U.Kutschera & P. Wirtz: The evolution of parental care in 
       freshwater leeches. Theory Bioscience 120, 1-23.

2002:  C. d'Udekem d'Acoz & P. Wirtz: Observations on some 
       interesting coastal Crustacea Decapoda from the Azores. 
       Arquipélago Life and Marine Sciences 19A, 67-84.

2003:  P. Wirtz, O. Ocaña, T. Molodtsova: Actiniaria and 
       Ceriantharia (Cnidaria Anthozoa) from the Azores. Helgoland 
       Marine Research 57, 114-117.

       New records of marine invertebrates from São Tomé Island. 
       J. mar. biol. ass. UK 83, 735-736.

       P. Wirtz, H. Debelius: Mediterranean and Atlantic Invertebrate 
       Guide. 305 p. Conchbooks, Hackenheim. 

       P. Wirtz, H. Debelius: Niedere Tiere Mittelmeer und Atlantik. 
       305 p. Jahr Verlag, Hamburg. 

       Aurelle D., T. Guillemaud, P. Afonso, T. Morato, P. Wirtz, 
       R. S. Santos, M.L. Cançela: Genetic study of Coris julis 
       (Osteichtyes, Perciformes, Labridae): evolutionary history and 
       dispersal abilities. Compt. Rendus Biol. 326/8, 771-785.

2004:  Costagliola, D., D.R. Robertson, P. Guidetti, S. Stefanni, 
       P. Wirtz, J.B.Heiser, G. Bernardi: Evolution of the coral reef 
       fish genus Thalassoma (Labridae): 2. Evolution of the 
       Eastern Atlantic species. Mar. Biol. 144, 377-383.

       Luiz-Júnior, O. J., Floeter, S. R., Gasparini, J. L., Ferreira, 
       C. E. L, Wirtz, P. : The occurrence of the African 
       surgeonfish Acanthurus monroviae (Perciformes: Acanthuridae)
       in the southwestern Atlantic, with comments on other eastern 
       Atlantic reef fishes occurring in Brazil. Journal of Fish Biology 
       65: 1173–1179

       Four amphi-Atlantic shrimps new for São Tomé and Príncipe 
      (eastern central Atlantic). Arquipélago Life and Marine 
      Sciences 21 A, 83-85.

      A note on nudibranchs (Mollusca: Opisthobranchia) from 
      Principe Island (eastern central Atlantic). Arquipélago Life and 
      Marine Sciences 21 A, 81-82

2005:  Eine neue Grundel-Krebs-Symbiose aus dem Ostatlantik. 
      DATZ 2004/08, 66-68. English translation in :

      F. Almada, V.C. Almada, T. Guillemaud, P. Wirtz: Phylogenetic 
      relationships of the north-eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean 
      blenniids. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society  86, 283-295

2006: Eight gastropods new for the marine fauna of Madeira. Arquipélago 
      Life and Marine Sciences 22A, 77-79 (for 2005)

      Steinkorallen des Ostatlantik: Azoren Madeira Kanaren 
      DATZ 2006/2, 22-26

      Steinkorallen des Ostatlantik: Kapverden, São Tomé e Príncipe 
      DATZ 2006/3, 38-42

      Let sleeping fish lie. Global Marine Environment 3, 27.

      P. Wirtz, R. Araújo, A. Southward: Cirripedia of Madeira. 
      Helgoland Marine Research 60/3, 207-212.

2007: Ten invertebrates new for the marine fauna of Madeira. Arquipelago
      Life and Marine Sciences 23A, 75-78 (for 2006).
      M. T. Craig, P. Bartsch, P. Wirtz, P. C. Heemstra: Redescription 
      and validation of Alphestes afer (Bloch 1793) as an amphi-Atlantic 
      grouper species (Perciformes: Serranidae). Cybium 30/4, 327-331.

      Die Steinkorallen des südlichen Brasilien. Teil 1. Der Meerwasser-
      aquarianer 2007/2, 54-56.

      Die Steinkorallen des südlichen Brasilien. Teil 2. Der Meerwasser-
      aquarianer 2007/4, 54-55.

      P Wirtz, CEL Ferreira, SR Floeter, R Fricke, JL Gasparini, T Iwamoto, 
      L Rocha, CLS Sampaio, UK Schliewen : Coastal fishes of São Tomé 
      and Príncipe islands, Gulf of Guinea (Eastern Atlantic Ocean) – an update. 
      Zootaxa 1523, 1- 48.

      Steinkorallen des Ostatlantik: Ein Nachtrag.  DATZ 2007/10, 44-45

      P. Wirtz & H. Debelius: Guía de Invertebrados del Mediterráneo y Atlántico. 305 p.
      M&G Difusion, Elche (Alicante).

      The return of the yellow grouper - annual migration and 
      return to the same site by a xanthistic Mycteroperca fusca (Pisces 
      Serranidae). Aqua 13/1, 31-34.

2008: S. R. Floeter, L. A. Rocha, D. R. Robertson, J. C. Joyeux, W. 
      Smith-Vaniz, P. Wirtz, A. J. Edwards,  J. P. Barreiros, C. E. L. 
      Ferreira, J. L. Gasparini, A. Brito, J. M. Falcón, B. W. Bowen 
      and G. Bernardi:: Atlantic reef fish biogeography and evolution. 
      J. Biogeography. 35, 22-47.

      P. Wirtz, R. Fricke, M. Biscoito : Coastal fishes of Madeira Island –
      new records and an annotated check-list. Zootaxa 1715, 1-26.

      J.E. McCosker & P. Wirtz: Notes on Brachysomophis atlanticus from the 
      Cape Verde Archipelago. Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. Ser 4, 59/17, 715-717.

2009: On a collection of hydroids (Cnidaria Hydrozoa) from Madeira Archipelago.
      Arquipélago 24, 11-16 (for 2007)

      A. Logan, P. Wirtz, F. Swinnen: A new record of Novocrania (Brachiopoda,
      Craniida) from Madeira Island, with notes on recent brachiopod 
      occurrences in the Macaronesian archipelagos. Arquipélago 24, 17-22 (for 2007)

      Ocaña, O. & Wirtz, P. New records of Pennatulacea (Cnidaria, 
      Octocorallia) from Madeira Island.  Arquipélago 24, 49-52 (for 2007)

      The Gulf of Guinea goby-shrimp-symbiosis and a review of goby – 
      thalassinidean associations. Arquipelago 25, 71-76. (for 2008)

      New records of the giant cilate Zoothamnium niveum (Protozoa,
      Peritrichia). Arquipelago 25, 89-91. (for 2008)

      P. Wirtz & C. d'Udekem d'Acoz: Crustaceans associated with Cnidaria, 
      Bivalvia, Echinoidea and Pisces at São Tomé and Príncipe Islands 
      (eastern central Atlantic). Arquipelago 25, 63-69. (for 2008)

      Patzner, R.A., Hastings, P.A., Springer, V.G., Wirtz, P. and Gonçalves, E.J. : List of 
      valid species of blennies". Pp. 443-473 in The Biology of Blennies (Patzner, R.A., 
      Gonçalves, E.J., Hastings, P.A. and Kapoor, B.G.). Science Publishers

      P. Wirtz and A Anker: Range extension for Elysia timida (Opisthobranchia, 
      Sacoglossa) to São Tomé Island (eastern central Atlantic), with a film showing 
      the curious locomotion of the species. Marine Biodiversity Records 2,e 144

      P. Wirtz & J. Canning-Clode: The invasive bryozoan Zoobotryon verticillatum
      has arrived at Madeira Island. Aquatic Invasions 4/4, 581-582.
      open access at:

      Wirtz, P., G. de Melo, S. de Grave: Decapoda from Actiniaria, Gorgoniaria,
      Antipatharia and Echinodermata at the coasts of Espirito Santo, Brazil.
      Marine Biodiversity Records 2, e 162

      Ten new records of marine invertebrates from the Azores.
      Arquipelago Life and Marine Scienes 26, 45-49.

      Thirteen new records of marine invertebrates and fishes from the Cape Verde Islands.
      Arquipelago Life and Marine Scienes 26, 51-56
      Marine Biodiversity Records 2, e 162

2010: R. Fricke, P. Wirtz, A. Brito: A new species of the clingfish genus Apletodon
      (Teleostei: Gobiesocidae) from the Cape Verde Islands, Eastern Central Atlantic.
      Ichthyological Research 57, 91-97.

      P Wirtz & S de Grave: Shrimps (Crustacea Decapoda Caridea) associated with
      gorgonians at the coast of Senegal.
      Arquipelago Life and Marine Scienes 27, 69-71.

      JD Reimer, M Hirose, P Wirtz: Zoanthids of the Cape Verde Islands and their symbionts:
      previously unexamined diversity in the Northeastern Atlantic.
      Contributions to Zoology 79/4, 147-163.

      P. Dworschak & P. Wirtz: Discovery of the rare burowing shrimp Calliapagurops charcoti
      de Saint Laurent, 1973 (Decapoda: Axiidae: Callianassidae) in shallow water: first record
      of the infraorder for Madeira Island. Zootaxa 2691, 53-56.

2011: A. Levy, P. Wirtz, S. R. Floeter and V.C. Almada: The Lusitania Province as a center
      of diversification?: The phylogeny of the genus Microlipophrys (Pisces: Blenniidae).
      Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 58, 409-413.
      pdf from

      New records of marine invertebrates from the coast of Senegal.
      Arquipelago Life and Marine Sciences 28, 7-9.

      Madeira Kanaren Azoren Fischführer.
      Conchbooks, Hackenheim, 154 pp.

2012: Wirtz, P. & Duarte, J. : Alarm reaction and absence of alarm reaction to simulated
      predation on conspecifics in two temperate sea urchin species.
      Arquipelago Life and Marine Sciences 29, 59-62.

      Osmar J. Luiz, Joshua S. Madin, D. Ross Robertson, Luiz A. Rocha, Peter Wirtz, and Sergio R. Floeter:
      Ecological traits influencing range expansion across large oceanic dispersal barriers:
      insights from tropical Atlantic reef fishes.
      Proc R Soc B 279 1033-1040. pdf from

      Seven new records of fish from Ngor Island, Senegal
      Arquipelago Life and Marine Sciences 29, 77-81.

      Wirtz, P. & U.K. Schliewen: A new species of Liopropoma Gill, 1862 from the Cape Verde Islands,
      Eastern Atlantic. Spixiana 35, 149-154.

2013: Hoeksema, B. & Wirtz, P. Over 130 years of survival by a small isolated population of
      Favia gravida corals at Ascension Island (South Atlantic). Coral Reefs 32, 551.

      Hart, J. & Wirtz, P.: Phyllidia flava (Mollusca Opisthobranchia), new record for the Azores.
      Arquipelago 30

      Wirtz, P., A. Brito, JM Falcón, R. Freitas, R. Fricke, V. Monteiro, F. Reiner, O. Tariche:
      The coastal fishes of the Cape Verde Islands – new records and an annotated check-list.
      Spixiana 36, 113-142.

2014: Wirtz, P.: Two new records of fishes from the coast of Senegal.
      Spixiana 37, 151-152.

      Padula V., Wirtz, P. and Schrödl, M.: Heterobranch sea slugs (Mollusca: Gastropoda) from Ascension Island (South Atlantic).
      Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 97/4, 743-752.

      Reimer, JD, J Lorion, Y Irei, BW Hoeksema & P Wirtz: Ascension Island shallow-water
      Zoantharia (Hexacorallia: Cnidaria) and their zooxanthellae (Symbodinium).
      Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 97/4, 695-703

      Wirtz, P., J. Bingeman, J Bingeman, R. Fricke, YJ Hook, Y Joung:
      The fishes of Ascension Island, central Atlantic Ocean – new records and an annotated check-list.
      Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 97/4, 783-798.

      De Grave, S, A. Anker, PC Dworschak, PF Clark & P. Wirtz:
      An updated checklist of the marine Decapoda of Ascension Island, central Atlantic Ocean.
      Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 97/4, 759-770.

      Zibrowius, H, P Wirtz, FLD Nunes, BW Hoeksema & F Benzoni:
      Shallow water scleractionan corals of Ascension Island, central south Atlantic.
      Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 97/4, 713-726.

      Minderlein, R. & P Wirtz: A sea urchin (Diadema africanum Rodriguez et al., 2013) and a pipe
      fish (Syngnathus phlegon Risso, 1827) – two new records for the Azores.
      Arquipelago Life and Marine Sciences 31, 77-79

      Wirtz, P.: Seven invertebrates new for the marine fauna of Madeira Island.
      Arquipelago Life and Marine Sciences 31, 69-72

      Wirtz, P.: A new species of Malacoctenus (Pisces Labrisomidae) from the Cape Verde Islands.
      Arquipelago Life and Marine Sciences 31, 15-20.

2015: Fricke, R, Brito, A., Wirtz, P.: Diplecogaster tonstricula, a new species of cleaning clingfish
      (Teleostei: Gobiesocidae) from the Canary Islands and Senegal, eastern Atlantic Ocean, with a
      review of the Diplecogaster-ctenocrypta species-group.
      Journal of Natural History 2015, 1-18 DOI: 10.1080/00222933.2015.1079659

      R. Araujo & P. Wirtz: The decapod crustaceans (Crustacea Decapoda) of Madeira Island – an annotated checklist.
      Spixiana 38/2, 205-218

      R. Araujo & P. Wirtz: Two new records of gobies (Pisces Perciformes Gobiidae) from Madeira Island.
      Bocagiana 242, 1-4.

      R. Araujo & P. Wirtz: Two new records of gobies (Pisces Perciformes Gobiidae) from Madeira Island.
      Bocagiana 242, 1-4.

2016: S. de Grave, P.P.G. Pachelle, P. Wirtz: The first record of Microprosthema inornatum
      Manning & Chace, 1990 (Decapoda: Spongicolidae) from the tropical Eastern Atlantic.
      Crustaceana 89/1, 123-128.

      P. Wirtz & T. Iwamoto: A new species of Serranus from São Tomé and Príncipe, eastern Atlantic
      (Pisces Teleostei, Serranidae).
      Proceedings of the California Academyt of Sciences, Series 4, 63/6, 191-200.

      Avila, S., R. Cordeiro, R. Haroun and P. Wirtz: Comment on ‘Island biogeography: patterns of
      marine shallow-water organisms’ by Hachich et al.,
      Journal of Biogeography (2015). J. Biogeography . online

      F. Reiner & P. Wirtz: Five new records of coastal fishes from São Tomé Island.
      Rev. Acad. Canar. Cienc. 28:127-131.

      J. Brown, K. Downes, R.J. Mrowicki, E.L. Nolan, A.J. Richardson, F. Swinnen & P. Wirtz:
      New records of marine invertebrates from Ascension Island (central Atlantic).
      Arquipelago Life and Marine Sciences 33, 71-79.

2017: K. J. Wittmann & P. Wirtz: Heteromysis sabelliphila sp.nov. (Mysida, Mysidae, Heteromysinae)
      in facultative association with sabellids from the Cape Verde Islands (Subtropical N.E. Atlantic).
      Crustaceana 90/2, 131-151.

      Padula V., Wirtz, P. and Schrödl, M.: Heterobranch sea slugs (Mollusca: Gastropoda)
      from Ascension Island (South Atlantic).
      Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom - 97/4,743-752.

      Reimer, JD, J Lorion, Y Irei, BW Hoeksema & P Wirtz: Ascension Island shallow-water
      Zoantharia (Hexacorallia: Cnidaria) and their zooxanthellae (Symbodinium).
      Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom - 97/4,695-703.

      Wirtz, P., J. Bingeman, J Bingeman, R. Fricke, YJ Hook, Y Joung: The fishes of Ascension Island,
      central Atlantic Ocean – new records and an annotated check-list.
      Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom - 97/4, 783-798.

      De Grave, S, A. Anker, PC Dworschak, PF Clark & P. Wirtz: An updated checklist of the
      marine Decapoda of Ascension Island, central Atlantic Ocean.
      Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom - 97/4,759-770.

      Zibrowius, H, P Wirtz, FLD Nunes, BW Hoeksema & F Benzoni: Shallow water scleractionan
      corals of Ascension Island, central south Atlantic.
      Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom - 97/4,713-725.

      Wirtz, P., E. d´Oliveira & G. Bachschmid: One fish and seven invertebrate species new for the
      marine fauna of the Cape Verde Islands.
      Arquipelago. Life and Marine Sciences 34, 51-54.

2018: Fricke, R. & P. Wirtz: Lecanogaster gorgoniphila, a new species of clingfish
      (Teleostei: Gobiesocidae) from São Tomé and Principe, eastern Atlantic Ocean.
      Arquipelago. Life and Marine Sciences 35: 1-10.

      Wirtz. P. & L. Berenger: Range extension of Pseudocorynactis caribbeorum den Hartog, 1980
      in the eastern Atlantic.
      Rev. Acad. Canar. Cienc. 19, 203-206

      Wirtz, P.: New records of marine invertebrates from São Tomé and Príncipe (Eastern Atlantic Ocean).
      Arquipelago. Life and Marine Sciences 35, 41-46.

      Wirtz, P. New records of marine fishes from São Tomé Island (eastern Atlantic).
      Bull Fish Biology 17, 79-81.

      Wirtz, P. & J. Davenport: Fincrawling in flatfishes (Teleostei: Pleuronectiformes).
      Bull Fish Biology 17, 29-38.

      Schliewen, U.K., Wirtz, P. & Kovacic, M: Didogobius janetarum sp.nov., a new
      cryptobenthic goby species from the Cape Verde Islands (Pisces: Teleostei).
      Zootaxa 4438/2, 381-393.

      Menut T., Bérenger L., Wirtz P., Prat M., Roquefort C., Ducrocq M., & Louisy P. :
      Exploration naturaliste sous-marine des petits fonds rocheux du Cap Santa Clara
      au Cap Esterias, Province de l’Estuaire, Gabon : les poissons marins.
      Les cahiers de la fondation Biotope 21 : 1- 51 + Annexes.

      Iwamoto, T & P. Wirtz: A synopsis of the Eastern and Central Atlantic combers of the
      genus Serranus (Teleostei, Perciformes, Serranidae).
      Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences, Series 4, 65/1,1-39.

      Erratum: Schliewen, U.K., Wirtz, P. & Kovacic, M: Didogobius janetarum sp.nov.,
      a new cryptobenthic goby species from the Cape Verde Islands (Pisces: Teleostei).
      Zootaxa 4438/2, 381-393. Zootaxa 4471/3, 600.

2019: R. Fricke & P. Wirtz: Apletodon gabonensis, a new species of clingfish (Teleostei: Gobiesocidae) from Gabon, eastern Atlantic Ocean.
      Arquipelago. Life and Marine Sciences 36, 1-8.

      J Brown, A Beard, E Clingham , R Fricke, L Henry & P Wirtz:
      The fishes of St Helena Island, central Atlantic Ocean—new records and an
      annotated check-list.
      Zootaxa 4543/2, 151-194.

      K. Wittmann & P. Wirtz: Revision of the amphiamerican genus Mysidium Dana, 1852
      (Crustacea: Mysida:Mysidae), with descriptions of two new species and establishment of two new subgenera.
      Europ. J. Taxonomy 495: 1-48.

      R. Freitas & P. Wirtz: First record of the Sculptured Mitten Lobster Parribacus antarcticus
      (Crustacea Decapoda Scyllaridae) from the Cabo Verde Islands (eastern Atlantic).
      Arquipelago. Life and Marine Sciences 36, 15-18.

      Maria E. A. Santos, Peter Wirtz, Javier Montenegro, Hiroki Kise, Cataixa López, Judith Brown, James Davis Reimer:
      Diversity of Saint Helena Island and zoogeography of zoantharians in the Atlantic Ocean:
      Jigsaw falling into place.
      Systematics and Biodiversity 17, 165-178.

      J. Brown, E. Nishi, P. Wirtz: The polychaete Lygdamis wirtzi at Ascension and St Helena Islands
      (Annelida, Polychaeta, Sabellariidae).
      Arquipelago. Life and Marine Sciences 36, 19-21.

      S. de Grave, J. Brown, P. Wirtz, A. Anker: On a collection of caridean shrimps (Decapoda, Caridea)
      from St. Helena, south-central Atlantic, with further records from Ascension Island.
      Crustaceana 92/7, 869-879

      Duris, Z., Sobanova, A. Wirtz, P. : Cinetorhynchus gabonensis, a new species of hingebeak shrimp
      (Crustacea: Decapoda: Rhynchocinetidae) from the eastern Atlantic.
      Zootaxa 4664/2, 191-205.

      Wirtz, P. & M. Biscoito: The distribution of Mola alexandrini in the subtropical eastern
      Atlantic, with a note on Mola mola.
      Bocagiana 245, 1-6.

      Rui Freitas, Maria Romeiras, Luís Silva, Ricardo Cordeiro, Patrícia Madeira, José Antonio González, Peter Wirtz,
      Jesús M. Falcón, Alberto Brito, Sergio R. Floeter, Pedro Afonso, Filipe Porteiro, María Ascensión Viera-Rodríguez,
      Ana Isabel Neto, Ricardo Haroun, João N.M. Farminhão, Ana Cristina Rebelo, Lara Baptista,
      Carlos S. Melo, Alejandro Martínez, Jorge Núñez, Björn Berning, Markes E. Johnson & Sérgio P. Ávila:
      Restructuring of the 'Macaronesia' biogeographic unit: a marine multi-taxon biogeographical approach.
      Scientific Reports (2019) 9:15792

      Wirtz, P. & C. Zilberberg: Fire ! The spread of the Caribbean fire coral Millepora alcicornis in the eastern Atlantic.
      bioRixv doi:

      Wirtz, P.: New records of shrimp species (Arthropoda Crustacea) from the Cape Verde Islands.
      Rev. Acad. Canar. Cienc. 31,9-14.

      Wirtz, P. : Lysmata grabhami cleans Scyllarides latus.

2020: R. Fricke & P. Wirtz: J. Davenport & P. Wirtz: Digging with ‘hands’: observations of food capture
      in the flying gurnard Dactylopterus volitans (Linnaeus, 1758),
      Journal of Natural History, 53:41-42, 2489-2501, DOI: 10.1080/00222933.2019.1705415

      Wirtz, P. First record of two "opisthobranchs" (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Heterobranchia) from Madeira Island. tion/340580550_First_record_of_two_opisthobranchs_Mollusca_Gastropoda_Heterobranchia_from_Madeira_Island

      Peter WIRTZ, Cathy SERVAL-ROQUEFORT, Mathias PRAT, Thomas MENUT, Patrick LOUISY and Lucas BERENGER:
      New records of marine invertebrates from the coast of Gabon.
      Cahiers de la Fondation Biotope 32, 1-41.


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